This is what it’s all about. This community was created with the view that running groups can support the whole of our wellbeing. Yeah, the run bit’s great - but connecting with others and contributing to our local communities is even better.
We all know that running is good for your physical health, but it’s also great for your mental health. Just even 15 minutes of physical exercise can be a huge help and is generally a proven remedy for anxiety and stress.
Of course our glass can’t always be full, and at Bubble Works Run Community it’s important to us that we look after the whole of ourselves. As such, we didn’t want to just see our running buddies for the run, but we wanted to value the opportunity to stop and spend time with, be interested in and support each other. Hence, the importance we place on the social aspect of our community.
We have qualified Mental Health First Aiders as part of our community, and regularly seek to provide support and assistance to anyone that needs it.
We will continue to seek to raise awareness and support activities promoting good mental health including Time to Talk Day, World Mental Health Day, and of course we have our collaboration with Attain, raising vital funds for CALM.
Once again we would love to hear any ideas or views on how we can improve and make this the best darn community going.
We believe in the power of community.
People coming together is an extremely powerful thing. We aspire to help and support our local communities by undertaking good deeds within our area, fundraising for important causes, or indeed just taking the time to talk to people and be nice to them.
We’re starting small with support such as litter picks to help tidy up our town, but we have big aspirations for this part of our organisation!
If you’d like to help or have an idea on how we can make our communities just a little bit better then please do get in touch using the contact page, social media, or by joining us for a run!